Is FranklinSquires a real estate investing company?
Is FranklinSquires Investments, LLC and the FranklinSquires Companies, LLC the same business?
How do I receive more information on FranklinSquires Companies, LLC?
How do I sign up for the FranklinSquires training?
What real estate opportunities are available with FranklinSquires?
Can I buy/sell a property to/from FranklinSquires?
Does FranklinSquires support/endorse _______________ (insert a company name)?
I am doing research on FranklinSquires founder and CEO Mr. Claud R. Koerber. How can I obtain more information about his past, previous businesses, current business associations, etc.?
What is a Franklin? What is a Squires?
How Can I Buy / Sell Franklins and Squires?
How do I invest with FranklinSquires?
Isn’t the company ___(insert a company name)___ just another name for FranklinSquires?
I heard that I could receive a high return by investing with FranklinSquires. How do I participate in that program?
I have money with FranklinSquires. How does this square with the statement that FranklinSquires does not accept outside investments?